Easy Snacks Kids Can Make

Getting kids involved in the kitchen is a fun and educational experience that can help develop their cooking skills and encourage them to try new foods. These 3 easy snacks are perfect for kids to make with minimal supervision. They are simple, delicious, and can be enjoyed as a quick treat or a fun activity during snack time.

Ingredients for 3 Easy Snacks Kids Can Make:

1. Ants on a Log:

  • Celery stalks, washed and trimmed
  • Peanut butter
  • Raisins

2. Fruit Kabobs:

  • Assorted fruits (such as strawberries, grapes, pineapple, and melon)
  • Wooden skewers

3. Banana Pops:

  • Bananas, peeled and cut in half
  • Yogurt (any flavor)
  • Toppings (such as sprinkles, chopped nuts, or granola)

How to Make 3 Easy Snacks Kids Can Make:

1. Ants on a Log:

  1. Spread peanut butter inside the celery stalks.
  2. Press raisins into the peanut butter to resemble ants on a log.

2. Fruit Kabobs:

  1. Cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Thread the fruit onto wooden skewers in a colorful pattern.

3. Banana Pops:

  1. Insert a popsicle stick into each banana half.
  2. Dip the banana halves into yogurt, then roll them in toppings.
  3. Place the banana pops on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze until firm.

About the Main Ingredients:

  • Celery: Provides a crunchy base for the peanut butter and raisins in Ants on a Log. It’s a low-calorie vegetable that adds fiber to the snack.
  • Peanut Butter: Adds protein and healthy fats to Ants on a Log. Choose natural peanut butter without added sugar for a healthier option.
  • Raisins: Add natural sweetness and a chewy texture to Ants on a Log. They are a good source of energy and fiber.
  • Assorted Fruits: Provide a variety of flavors and textures in Fruit Kabobs. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Bananas: Serve as a creamy base for Banana Pops. They are a good source of potassium and fiber.
  • Yogurt: Adds creaminess and flavor to Banana Pops. Choose Greek yogurt for added protein.
  • Toppings: Add crunch and sweetness to Banana Pops. Choose toppings like sprinkles, chopped nuts, or granola for added texture.

These 3 easy snacks are not only delicious but also nutritious, making them perfect for kids to make and enjoy. They are a great way to encourage kids to get creative in the kitchen and develop a love for cooking and healthy eating.

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