Homemade Vanilla Extract Recipe

Homemade Vanilla Extract Recipe

Learn how to make delicious homemade vanilla extract quickly with this easy recipe that includes a speed hack! Enjoy the rich flavor of pure vanilla in your baking and cooking adventures.

Ingredients for Homemade Vanilla Extract

  • Vanilla beans (about 6-8 beans)
  • Vodka or bourbon (750ml bottle)

How to make Homemade Vanilla Extract

Step 1: Prepare the Vanilla Beans

  1. Choose high-quality vanilla beans. Split each bean lengthwise using a sharp knife, exposing the seeds inside.

Step 2: Combine Beans and Alcohol

  1. Place the split vanilla beans into a clean, sterilized glass jar or bottle.
  2. Pour the vodka or bourbon over the beans, ensuring they are fully submerged.

Step 3: Infuse the Extract

  1. Seal the jar tightly and shake gently.
  2. Store the jar in a cool, dark place for at least 4-6 weeks, shaking occasionally to mix.

Step 4: Speed Hack Option

  1. For a quicker extraction, place the sealed jar in a sous vide water bath set to 135°F (57°C) for 24 hours.
  2. Remove from the water bath and let cool to room temperature before using.

Step 5: Strain and Store

  1. After the infusion period, strain the vanilla extract through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the vanilla beans.
  2. Transfer the strained extract to clean, sterilized bottles or jars for storage.
  3. Store in a cool, dark place. The vanilla extract will continue to mature and develop flavor over time.

About the Main Ingredients

Vanilla Beans

Vanilla beans provide the rich, aromatic flavor that defines vanilla extract. Look for plump, moist beans for the best results.

Vodka or Bourbon

The alcohol extracts and preserves the flavors from the vanilla beans. Vodka is neutral in flavor, while bourbon adds a subtle depth and richness to the extract.

Now that you know how to make homemade vanilla extract with a speed hack, you can enjoy using this aromatic ingredient in various recipes. Whether you’re baking cookies, making desserts, or adding flavor to beverages, your homemade vanilla extract will enhance the taste of your creations. Experiment with different types of vanilla beans and enjoy the pure, natural flavor of homemade vanilla extract!

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