Perfect Air Fryer French Toast Recipe

Perfect Air Fryer French Toast Recipe

French toast is a classic breakfast favorite, beloved for its sweet, eggy flavor and crispy texture. Traditional French toast is pan-fried, but using an air fryer can take this dish to new heights with less oil and less mess. This guide will walk you through making perfect Air Fryer French Toast, delivering a crispy, golden-brown exterior and a soft, custardy interior that will impress anyone at your breakfast table.

French toast, or “pain perdu” in French, meaning “lost bread,” originated as a way to use up stale bread. Over time, this simple dish has evolved into a beloved breakfast item that combines eggs, milk, and spices to create a rich, sweet treat. The air fryer, a modern kitchen appliance known for its ability to create crispy foods with little or no oil, is a perfect tool for making French toast.

In this recipe, we’ll use the air fryer to achieve a healthier version of French toast without sacrificing flavor or texture. The result is a breakfast that’s not only easier to make but also lighter on calories and fat.

Ingredients for Air Fryer French Toast

To make the perfect Air Fryer French Toast, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Bread: 4 slices of thick-cut bread (such as challah, brioche, or Texas toast). Thicker slices of bread are preferred because they hold up better to the soaking mixture and create a more substantial French toast.
  • Eggs: 2 large eggs. Eggs are essential for the custard mixture that coats the bread and helps it to crisp up in the air fryer.
  • Milk: 1/2 cup of whole milk or any milk of your choice. Milk adds moisture and helps to create a creamy texture in the custard mixture.
  • Sugar: 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Sugar adds sweetness and helps to caramelize the bread during cooking.
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. Vanilla enhances the flavor of the custard and adds a subtle, sweet aroma.
  • Cinnamon: 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Cinnamon provides a warm, spicy flavor that complements the sweetness of the French toast.
  • Salt: A pinch of salt. Salt enhances the overall flavor of the French toast.
  • Butter: 1 tablespoon of melted butter. This is optional but helps to give the French toast a richer flavor and golden color.

How to Make Air Fryer French Toast

1. Prepare the Air Fryer

Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). Preheating ensures that your French toast cooks evenly and gets crispy on the outside.

2. Make the Custard Mixture

In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt until well combined. Ensure there are no lumps and that the sugar is fully dissolved. This custard mixture will coat the bread, giving it that classic French toast flavor and texture.

3. Soak the Bread

Dip each slice of bread into the custard mixture, ensuring that both sides are fully coated. Allow the bread to soak for about 10-15 seconds on each side, so it absorbs enough of the mixture but isn’t overly soggy. If the bread is too thin or too soft, it may become too mushy.

4. Prepare for Air Frying

Lightly grease the air fryer basket with non-stick spray or a small amount of oil to prevent sticking. Arrange the soaked bread slices in a single layer in the basket. Make sure they are not overlapping to allow for even cooking. If you need to cook more than one batch, keep the uncooked slices in the refrigerator until you’re ready to air fry them.

5. Air Fry the French Toast

Cook the bread slices in the air fryer for 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through the cooking time. The French toast should be golden brown and crispy on the outside while remaining soft and custardy on the inside. The exact cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of your bread and the brand of your air fryer.

6. Serve and Enjoy

Once the French toast is done, remove it from the air fryer and serve immediately. You can top it with your favorite toppings, such as fresh fruit, maple syrup, powdered sugar, or whipped cream. For an extra touch of indulgence, a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar or a dollop of yogurt can elevate the flavors even further.

About the Main Ingredients


The type of bread you choose significantly impacts the final result. Thick-cut bread like challah or brioche works best because it absorbs the custard mixture well and holds its shape during cooking. These types of bread also tend to be slightly sweet and rich, enhancing the overall flavor of the French toast.


Eggs are crucial for creating the custard mixture that coats the bread. They provide structure and help to bind the other ingredients together. Eggs also contribute to the rich, creamy texture of the French toast.


Milk adds moisture to the custard mixture, ensuring that the bread becomes tender and flavorful. Whole milk is preferred for its richness, but you can use any type of milk based on dietary preferences.


Sugar adds sweetness to the French toast, balancing the savory notes of the egg and milk mixture. It also helps in caramelizing the bread during cooking, giving it a delicious, slightly crispy exterior.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract enhances the flavor of the custard, adding a warm, aromatic note that complements the cinnamon and sugar. It’s a key ingredient in making the French toast taste more indulgent.


Cinnamon adds a warm, spicy flavor that is quintessential to classic French toast. It pairs beautifully with the sweetness of the sugar and the richness of the custard mixture.


While optional, melted butter adds a richer flavor and helps the French toast develop a golden, crispy crust. It also enhances the overall texture of the dish.

Enjoy your crispy and delicious Air Fryer French Toast! This recipe is perfect for a quick and easy breakfast or brunch and can be customized with various toppings to suit your taste.

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