Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

Sweet Potato Casserole is a classic dish that often graces holiday tables, particularly during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Its rich, sweet flavor, combined with a crunchy topping, makes it a crowd favorite. This dish is versatile and can be served as a side dish or even as a dessert. Whether you are making it for a festive gathering or just to enjoy at home, this ultimate Sweet Potato Casserole recipe will guide you through creating a delicious and memorable dish.

Ingredients for Sweet Potato Casserole

For the Sweet Potato Base:

  • 4 large sweet potatoes (about 4 cups mashed)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

For the Topping:

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
  • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup chopped pecans

How to Make Sweet Potato Casserole

Step 1: Prepare the Sweet Potatoes

  1. Preheat your oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Cook the sweet potatoes: Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into large chunks. Place them in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook until tender, about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mash the sweet potatoes: Drain the sweet potatoes and transfer them to a large mixing bowl. Mash them until smooth.

Step 2: Make the Sweet Potato Base

  1. Combine ingredients: Add the granulated sugar, beaten eggs, melted butter, milk, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, and salt to the mashed sweet potatoes. Mix well until all ingredients are fully combined.
  2. Transfer to baking dish: Spread the sweet potato mixture evenly into a greased 9×13-inch baking dish.

Step 3: Prepare the Topping

  1. Mix the topping ingredients: In a medium bowl, combine the brown sugar, all-purpose flour, melted butter, and chopped pecans. Mix until the mixture is crumbly and well combined.
  2. Add topping to casserole: Sprinkle the topping mixture evenly over the sweet potato base.

Step 4: Bake the Casserole

  1. Bake: Place the casserole in the preheated oven and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until the topping is golden brown and the sweet potato mixture is set.
  2. Cool and serve: Allow the casserole to cool for a few minutes before serving. Enjoy it warm as a side dish or a sweet treat.

About the Main Ingredients

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are the star of this dish, providing a naturally sweet and creamy base. They are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, and antioxidants. When selecting sweet potatoes, look for ones that are firm and free from blemishes. Their natural sweetness makes them an excellent base for both savory and sweet dishes.


Both granulated and brown sugar are used in this recipe to enhance the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes and to create a deliciously sweet and crunchy topping. Brown sugar adds a rich, molasses-like flavor that complements the sweet potatoes perfectly.


Eggs act as a binding agent in the casserole, helping to create a light and fluffy texture. Beaten eggs are added to the sweet potato mixture to ensure it holds together well during baking.


Butter adds richness and depth of flavor to the casserole. Melted butter is mixed into both the sweet potato base and the topping, contributing to the dish’s creamy and indulgent taste.


Whole milk is used to add creaminess to the sweet potato mixture. It helps to create a smooth and velvety texture that makes the casserole even more delicious.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor of the casserole, adding a subtle sweetness and a warm, comforting aroma that pairs beautifully with the sweet potatoes and spices.


Ground cinnamon and nutmeg are classic spices used in sweet potato casserole. They add warmth and complexity to the dish, complementing the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes and the richness of the topping.


Chopped pecans are used in the topping to add a delightful crunch and nutty flavor. Pecans are a traditional ingredient in sweet potato casserole, and they provide a wonderful contrast to the creamy sweet potato base.

By following this recipe and using high-quality ingredients, you can create a Sweet Potato Casserole that is sure to impress. Whether you are serving it at a holiday meal or enjoying it as a special treat, this dish is a perfect blend of sweet and savory flavors that will delight your taste buds.

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